These Seven Styles will Dominate in 2022 We asked a few experts about the top fashion trends for 2022 to help you refresh your closet. You can look forward to pleated maxi skirts, explosions of happy colors, clean-cut college styles, and iridescent pearls that remind you that the world is your oyster, even if your runway is still the hallway between your home office and the kitchen. 1. Preppy sweater vests The vest is the most valuable piece of preparation right now. When preparing , or the kind of clothes you might see on Ivy League students, walked down the spring 2022 runways, even the nerdiest fashionistas gave a golf clap of joy. Is this smart, buttoned-up style's best student? The cardigan sweater. Cher and Dionne, the stars of Clueless, wore these sleeveless knit tops all the time in the 1990s. This year, they're going to be everywhere. And according to stylist Lauren Rae Levy Vigneron, who started the styling and consulting firm LRL Group in New York ...